1 Day Retreat - Cancellation Policy

Please note that because Strength & Grace Yoga Retreats are limited to a specific number of attendees, to allow for a more personable, intimate experience, our cancellation policy is in place to help guests and us alike work together sharing expenses that may arise from unexpected cancellations.

No refunds or credits for failure to attend or failure to complete the retreat, or for arriving late or leaving early. A full refund (minus a processing fee of up to £2.50) will be given if you are unable to attend within 7 days of the retreat, after this time refunds cannot be given.


During a Strength & Grace yoga retreat/class, teachers will provide safe, careful instruction and safe premises, but each participant will take personal responsibility for their own self-care. Modifications are given to students with specific needs and these specific needs would have been discussed with the teacher/s before the sessions. If participants are unsure of their physical ability due to previous injuries, they should seek the advice of a healthcare practitioner beforehand. If you experience any pain or discomfort, you will listen to your body, adjust the posture, and/or stop and rest when needed. You understand there is an inherent risk associated with any exercise program including your voluntary participation in yoga that may result in injury. Strength & Grace teachers are not licensed medical care providers and represent that they have no expertise in diagnosing, examining, or treating medical conditions of any kind, or in determining the effect of any specific exercise on a medical condition. You waive and release Strength & Grace teachers from any liability and responsibility from injury, accident, illness, legal and medical fees sustained now or in the future resulting from your participation in any yoga Strength & Grace Yoga retreat/class.

Sound bath sessions You are voluntarily participating in this session and understand that it involves the use of sound and vibration, which may cause physical or emotional discomfort. By agreeing to take part in a Strength & Grace Yoga Retreat with a Sound Bath Session you take full responsibility for your physical and emotional well-being during the session and release Strength & Grace and its teachers from any liability for any injury, harm, or damage that may occur as a result of your participation.

Kindness & Respect

While taking part in a Strength & Grace Retreat or Class you agree to treat others with kindness and respect and also respect the space/venue/facilities. Failure to do so will result in you being asked to leave the retreat/class and no refund will be offered as a result.


By participating in a retreat/class, guests acknowledge and agree to images and photos of their being and likeness being taken by Strength & Grace and other participants and that such images may be shared at will online and publicly.